8,136 research outputs found

    [C II] emission and star formation in late-type galaxies. II A model

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    We study the relationship between gas cooling via the [C II] (158 micron) line emission and dust cooling via the far-IR continuum emission on the global scale of a galaxy in normal (i.e. non-AGN dominated and non-starburst) late-type systems. It is known that the luminosity ratio of total gas and dust cooling, L(C II)/L(FIR), shows a non-linear behaviour with the equivalent width of the Halpha line emission, the ratio decreasing in galaxies of lower massive star-formation activity. This result holds despite the fact that known individual Galactic and extragalactic sources of the [C II] line emission show different [C II] line-to-far-IR continuum emission ratios. This non-linear behaviour is reproduced by a simple quantitative model of gas and dust heating from different stellar populations, assuming that the photoelectric effect on dust, induced by far-UV photons, is the dominant mechanism of gas heating in the general diffuse interstellar medium of the galaxies under investigation. According to the model, the global L(C II)/L(FIR) provides a direct measure of the fractional amount of non-ionizing UV light in the interstellar radiation field and not of the efficiency of the photoelectric heating. The model also defines a method to constrain the stellar initial mass function from measurements of L(C II) and L(FIR). A sample of 20 Virgo cluster galaxies observed in the [C II] line with the LWS on board ISO is used to illustrate the model. The limited statistics and the necessary assumptions behind the determination of the global [C II] luminosities from the spatially limited data do not allow us to establish definitive conclusions but data-sets available in the future will allow tests of both the reliability of the assumptions of our model and the statistical significance of our results.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures (included), accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The nature of the red disk-like galaxies at high redshift: dust attenuation and intrinsically red stellar populations

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    We investigate which conditions of dust attenuation and stellar populations allow models of dusty, continuously star-forming, bulge-less disk galaxies at 0.8<z<3.2 to meet the different colour selection criteria of high-z ``red'' galaxies (e.g. Rc-K>5.3, Ic-K>4, J-K>2.3). As a main novelty, we use stellar population models that include the thermally pulsating Asymptotic Giant Branch (TP-AGB) phase of stellar evolution. The star formation rate of the models declines exponentially as a function of time, the e-folding time being longer than 3 Gyr. In addition, we use calculations of radiative transfer of the stellar and scattered radiation through different dusty interstellar media in order to explore the wide parameter space of dust attenuation. We find that synthetic disks can exhibit red optical/near-infrared colours because of reddening by dust, but only if they have been forming stars for at least about 1 Gyr. Extremely few models barely exhibit Rc-K>5.3, if the inclination i=90 deg and if the opacity 2*tauV>6. Hence, Rc-K-selected galaxies at 1<z<2 most probably are either systems with an old, passively evolving bulge or starbursts. Synthetic disks at 1<z<2 exhibit 4<Ic-K<4.8, if they are seen edge on (i.e. at i about 90 deg) and if 2*tauV>0.5. This explains the large fraction of observed, edge-on disk-like galaxies with Ks4. Finally, models with 2<z<3.2 exhibit 2.3<J-K<3, with no bias towards i about 90 deg and for a large range in opacity (e.g. 2*tauV>1 for i about 70 deg). In conclusion, red disk-like galaxies at 0.8<z<3.2 may not necessarily be dustier than nearby disk galaxies (with 0.5<2*tauV<2) and/or much older than about 1 Gyr. This result is due both to a realistic description of dust attenuation and to the emission contribution by TP-AGB stars... (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 8 ps figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Early-type galaxies: wavelength dependence

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    The photometric parameters R_e and mu_e of 74 early-type (E+S0+S0a) galaxies in the Coma cluster are derived for the first time in the near IR H band. These are used, coupled with measurements of the central velocity dispersion found in the literature, to determine the H band Fundamental Plane (FP) relation of this cluster. The same procedure is applied to previously available photometric data in the B, V, r, I, and K bands, to perform a multi-wavelength study of the FP. Because systematic uncertainties in the value of the FP parameters are introduced both by the choice of the fitting algorithm, and by the presence of statistical biases connected with the sample selection procedure, we emphasize the importance of deriving the FP parameters in the six photometric bands using an identical fitting algorithm, and appropriate corrections to eliminate the effects of sample incompleteness. We find that the FP mu_e coefficient is stable with wavelength, while the sigma coefficient increases significantly with increasing wavelength, in agreement with an earlier result presented by Pahre & Djorgovski. The slope of the FP relation, although changing with wavelength, never approaches the virial theorem expectation. We also find that the magnitude of the slope change can be entirely explained by the presence of the well known relation between color and magnitude among early-type galaxies. We conclude that the tilt of the Fundamental Plane is significant, and must be due to some form of broken homology among early-type galaxies, while its wavelength dependence derives from whatever mechanism (currently the preferred one is the existence of a mass-metal content sequence) produces the color-magnitude relation in those galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables; table 3 should be printed in landscape mode, and inserted into the text. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Physical Sources of Scatter in the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We analyze residuals from the Tully-Fisher relation for the emission-line galaxies in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, a broadly representative survey designed to fairly sample the variety of galaxy morphologies and environments in the local universe. For spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18, we find strong correlations between Tully-Fisher residuals and both B-R color and EW(Halpha). The extremes of the correlations are populated by Sa galaxies, which show consistently red colors, and spirals with morphological peculiarities, which are often blue. If we apply an EW(Halpha)-dependent or B-R color-dependent correction term to the Tully-Fisher relation, the scatter in the relation no longer increases from R to B to U but instead drops to a nearly constant level close to the scatter we expect from measurement errors. We argue that these results probably reflect correlated offsets in luminosity and color as a function of star formation history. Broadening the sample in morphology and luminosity, we find that most non-spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18 follow the same correlations as do spirals, albeit with greater scatter. However, the color and EW(Halpha) correlations do not apply to galaxies fainter than M_R^i=-18 or to emission-line S0 galaxies with anomalous gas kinematics. For the dwarf galaxy population, the parameters controlling Tully-Fisher residuals are instead related to the degree of recent disturbance: overluminous dwarfs have higher rotation curve asymmetries, brighter U-band effective surface brightnesses, and shorter gas consumption timescales than their underluminous counterparts. As a result, sample selection strongly affects the measured faint-end slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. Passively evolving, rotationally supported galaxies display a break toward steeper slope at low luminosities.Comment: 58 pages including 21 figures, AJ, accepte

    Entangled memories: how to study Europe’s cultural heritage

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    A fruitful direction for research on the European cultural heritage is to adopt a transnational approach. Rather than see cultural heritage as predominantly expressed in national contexts, it could be seen as primarily transnational and as plural. Such a view would also suggest a conception of national histories as themselves products of transnational encounters. In this perspective, the European dimension is not then necessarily something over and above nations, but part of their heritage. Moreover, as fundamentally transnational, the European heritage is not exclusively confined to Europe. Cultural heritage is not something that is fixed or based on an essence; it is produced and reinterpreted by social actors in different but overlapping contexts. This is also an interpretative approach that draws attention to the entangled nature of memories and especially the cultural logic by which new conceptions and narratives of heritage emerge from the encounter and entanglement of different memories. Such an approach offers new opportunities for comparative research on the European heritage as an entangled mosaic of histories and memories. This approach thus rejects not only particularistic but also universalistic ones such as alternative Eurocentric accounts

    Dust Attenuation in Late-Type Galaxies. I. Effects on Bulge and Disk Components

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    We present results of new Monte Carlo calculations made with the DIRTY code of radiative transfer of stellar and scattered radiation for a dusty giant late-type galaxy like the Milky Way, which illustrate the effect of the attenuation of stellar light by internal dust on the integrated photometry of the individual bulge and disk components. Here we focus on the behavior of the attenuation function, the color excess, and the fraction of light scattered or directly transmitted towards the outside observer as a function of the total amount of dust and the inclination of the galaxy, and the structure of the dusty interstellar medium (ISM) of the disk. We confirm that dust attenuation produces qualitatively and quantitatively different effects on the integrated photometry of bulge and disk, whatever the wavelength. In addition, we find that the structure of the dusty ISM affects more sensitively the observed magnitudes than the observed colors of both bulge and disk. Finally, we show that the contribution of the scattered radiation to the total monochromatic light received by the outside observer is significant, particularly at UV wavelengths, even for a two-phase, clumpy, dusty ISM. Thus understanding dust scattering properties is fundamental for the interpretation of extragalactic observations in the rest-frame UV.Comment: 62 pages, 28 eps-figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ Main Journa

    1.65 micrometers (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. III: observations of 558 galaxies with the TIRGO 1.5m telescope

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    We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 micron) surface photometry of 558 galaxies in the Coma Supercluster and in the Virgo cluster. This data set, obtained with the Arcetri NICMOS3 camera ARNICA mounted on the Gornergrat Infrared Telescope, is aimed at complementing, with observations of mostly early-type objects, our NIR survey of spiral galaxies in these regions, presented in previous papers of this series. Magnitudes at the optical radius, total magnitudes, isophotal radii and light concentration indices are derived. We confirm the existence of a positive correlation between the near-infrared concentration index and the galaxy H-band luminosity. (Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form upon request to [email protected])Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

    Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Core Gas Density in REXCESS Clusters

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    We investigate the relationship between brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their host clusters using a sample of nearby galaxy clusters from the Representative XMM Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS). The sample was imaged with the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) in R band to investigate the mass of the old stellar population. Using a metric radius of 12h^-1 kpc, we found that the BCG luminosity depends weakly on overall cluster mass as L_BCG \propto M_cl^0.18+-0.07, consistent with previous work. We found that 90% of the BCGs are located within 0.035 r_500 of the peak of the X-ray emission, including all of the cool core (CC) clusters. We also found an unexpected correlation between the BCG metric luminosity and the core gas density for non-cool core (non-CC) clusters, following a power law of n_e \propto L_BCG^2.7+-0.4 (where n_e is measured at 0.008 r_500). The correlation is not easily explained by star formation (which is weak in non-CC clusters) or overall cluster mass (which is not correlated with core gas density). The trend persists even when the BCG is not located near the peak of the X-ray emission, so proximity is not necessary. We suggest that, for non-CC clusters, this correlation implies that the same process that sets the central entropy of the cluster gas also determines the central stellar density of the BCG, and that this underlying physical process is likely to be mergers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted Astrophysical Journa

    Recent star formation in clusters of galaxies: extreme compact starbursts in A539 and A634

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    We report on the detection of two Halpha-emitting extreme compact objects from deep images of the Abell 634 and Abell 539 clusters of galaxies at z ~ 0.03. Follow up long slit spectroscopy of these two unresolved sources revealed that they are members of their respective clusters showing HII type spectra. The luminosity and the extreme equivalent width of Halpha+[NII] measured for these sources, together with their very compact appearance, has raised the question about the origin of these intense starbursts in the cluster environment. We propose the compact starburst in Abell 539 resulted from the compression of the interstellar gas of a dwarf galaxy when entering the cluster core; while the starburst galaxy in Abell 634 is likely to be the result of a galaxy-galaxy interaction, illustrating the preprocessing of galaxies during their infall towards the central regions of clusters. The contribution of these compact star-forming dwarf galaxies to the star formation history of galaxy clusters is discussed, as well as a possible link with the recently discovered early-type ultra-compact dwarf galaxies. We note that these extreme objects will be rarely detected in normal magnitude-limited optical or NIR surveys, mainly due to their low stellar masses (of the order of 10^6 solar masses), whereas they will easily show up in dedicated Halpha surveys given the high equivalent width of their emission lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 31 pages, 10 fig

    Multi-wavelength characterisation of z~2 clustered, dusty star forming galaxies discovered by Planck

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    (abridged) We report the discovery of PHz G95.5-61.6, a complex structure detected in emission in the Planck all-sky survey that corresponds to two over-densities of high-redshift galaxies. This is the first source from the Planck catalogue of high-z candidates that has been completely characterised with follow-up observations from the optical to the sub-millimetre domain. Herschel/SPIRE observations at 250, 350 and 500 microns reveal the existence of five sources producing a 500 microns emission excess that spatially corresponds to the candidate proto-clusters discovered by Planck. Further observations at CFHT in the optical bands (g and i) and in the near infrared (J, H and K_s), plus mid infrared observations with IRAC/Spitzer (at 3.6 and 4.5 microns) confirm that the sub-mm red excess is associated with an over-density of colour-selected galaxies. Follow-up spectroscopy of 13 galaxies with VLT/X-Shooter establishes the existence of two high-z structures: one at z~1.7 (three confirmed member galaxies), the other at z~2.0 (six confirmed members). This double structure is also seen in the photometric redshift analysis of a sample of 127 galaxies located inside a circular region of 1'-radius containing the five Herschel/SPIRE sources, where we found a double-peaked excess of galaxies at z~1.7 and z~2.0 with respect to the surrounding region. These results suggest that PHz G95.5-61.6 corresponds to two accreting nodes, not physically linked to one another, embedded in the large scale structure of the Universe at z~2 and along the same line-of-sight. In conclusion, the data, methods and results illustrated in this pilot project confirm that Planck data can be used to detect the emission from clustered, dusty star forming galaxies at high-z, and, thus, to pierce through the early growth of cluster-scale structures.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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